The GX Factor

for the win

I’ve become addicted to the God X Factor. He’s created a world where we get to choose everything at every moment of every day. As the world accelerates faster and faster, the choices for each turn in the road get seemingly even more infinite. It gets increasingly more difficult to know which way to go without asking Him at every single turn. Looks like He’s doing that on purpose. He would really love for us to ask.

Oh, wait. That’s what He said we could and should do! :)

We can struggle with each decision or we can ask for His guidance

We can do it our way or we can ask Him which way.

We can do it in service to others or we can do it for ourselves.

We can deliver massive value or we can cut a few corners.

We can shut off the God Faucet or leave it wide open all day!

I’ll take the GX Factor for the win.


or to participate.