God Faucet

It has rained for some part of every day for 30+ days here on our little farm. It’s so easy to complain about the rain when we have too much. Too much of anything is too much! It’s hard to get things done in the rain.


I’m grateful for all this rain. It’s such a gift to have thriving gardens and plenty of drinking water and to have a bit of a break from all this yard work.

Last year, we had a drought by comparison. Very very little rain. No raid for months it seemed. It was easy to complain about that as well. It was hard. The heat was not great. Things were dying.


I’m grateful for the dry times when I can get lots of work done. it’s a bit cooler which is such a relief. Sunny days are great for the lake and the golf course and the pool. I love that!

God turns on the faucet. God turns off the faucet.

He knows how much is needed even when it’s not what we think we want.

We get to choose how we feel about it and how we respond.

My favorite part is that we can change our minds and change our choices anytime as well.


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