Will You Be Here In A Year?

Well then what?

Heard this question recently through one of the coaches in my life. I’m shifting what he said a bit, but it clicked for me like this..,.

Do you plan to be here (in your same business direction) in a year?

If the answer is yes, then what is keeping you from focusing on that moment in time? If you know you plan to be here in a year, then focus AT LEAST out that far. What’s the work you can do right now that is gonna pay off big 12 months from into the future? How much are you able and willing to shift your thinking out that far and NOT focus on the now at all?

Can’t reach that far? Let’s go 6 months.

It’s nearly July 1st. 6 months left in the year.

What’s your 30 day plan for July that moves you toward an outcome for Dec 31 of this year?

What can we dig into now that will materialize in the world by Jan 1?


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