Top 100 Humans

Business Gold

We’re all in sales if we’re in business at all.

If you want to be better at sales and build a bigger business than you’ve ever accomplished before, it’s critically important that you master the Top 100.

If you’ve been an entrepreneur for very long, you probably have heard some version of this idea. Like most things, you get out of it exactly what you put into it. If you only just put a tiny effort into perfecting and managing this list, you’ll never see the massive results that I’ve seen from it over and over again in my career.

When you really start to do the work of building and managing a list of your top 100 human connections, you quickly discover that:

  • it’s not easy at all to build a meaningful list that long.

  • Great opportunities can come just from the focus

  • Going deeper on those relationships is really your best work

  • All the business you’ll ever need is on that page

100 real connections and close contacts is a LOT. You probably don’t have 100 great connections (yet). You do have some of them already, and you can find them immediately in your phone or your FB friends list (or insta or linkedin).

It’s going to take you hours and hours to assemble those contacts into a usable list (it’s worth it). On the way, you’ll have to reach out to every single one of them to get or reconfirm all of the info. All of that can create great conversations too!

You can start with me! Are we connected? Do we need a call to catch up?

Just hit reply and let’s do that :)

psst… I also recorded this short podcast episode about Top100 as well


or to participate.