Time, Tech & Talent

Yes, All Three

If you’re an entrepreneur building a new business (or anybody doing anything), the ultimate end result is always on the other side of Time, Tech & Talent.

Time + Tech + Talent = Results


I love the logic of 10,000 hours. You’ve surely heard this before. It’s pretty obviously true. It will take 10k hrs to reach true mastery of anything.

But here’s the thing…

You can always get there fast with help from deep talent. Help from amazing A+ humans (try contractors before employees) and help from powerful coaches.

Think about it….

Have you ever learned anything really really well that wasn’t taught to you (or done with or for you) by someone else who’d already done it with excellence? Even if it was your dad investing countless hours to teach you X when you were a kid? Figuring it out all alone is rarely the best way. This just IS true. Deciding the other way is always a fear-based decision (which you should never make).


We live in a world today that overwhelmingly compensates those who use technology with great effectiveness, yet most people are using 1% of what’s possible. Good news / Bad news… it’s accelerating now at a pace that is mind-blowing (A.I. is making this go exponential). Same story here though. Get help. Amp it up. Make the investments. Tech or die. Stop burying your head in the sand on this one.


There are 3 ways to boost talent fast. It’s either got to be done by you (obviously your own skills and talents), done with you (contractors/employees/coaching) or done for you by others (consultants/agencies). Humans (and thus the relationships you build with said humans) is the ultimate X factor. You simply have to learn to win this. You can have amazing product and amazing tech and yet your ceiling will 1000% be decided by the quality of the humans that are interested in working together with you on it. When you look around you what do you see? If you don’t see amazing talent everywhere around you, solving this should be VERY near the top of your list.


or to participate.