Subtract To Add

less than is more

We live in the land of more. More more more. We all know this and deep down we know that it IS the thing that’s killing us ever so slowly. This is true globally and it’s also true in Matt and it’s true inside you. More speed. More money. More fun. Just more.

The fix is dead simple. Never add something new until you subtract something. Never take on a new sport unless you put down the other one for a bit. Never accept that new gig unless you are willing to say no to the current one. Never add more clients unless you are ready to part ways with current clients (or you have a well-developed plan to add leverage)

Adding without subtracting creates tension and pain. You might not feel the pain at first, but over time it adds up to yuck.

Less is actually more. Truer words have never been spoken.

ps… This all assumes that things were somewhat in balance already. If you are in overload, subtract 2 or 3 for every add. If you recently crashed and burned in some way, only add ONE thing back at a time.

I recorded a podcast about this too. Here’s that link


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