
Going the distance

We can all say it. We can all talk about it. We can all do it also.

…But we’re not.

Telling me is easy. We think just knowing is so bloody awesome. Eureka! I have wisdom. We’re smart because we know the things. That’s a half-truth lie just like all his other lies for us.

The distance between saying it and doing it is a MASSIVE chasm. ALL of the work is in the doing. Putting it into practice is where the rubber meets the road.

Like most things, the root of this void is fear-based. If I really spend the time, if I really focus, if I really commit, I might lose; I might miss; I might fail; I might be embarrassed. I might lose what I have. I might run out of resources.

God might not show up. (another lie)

You already know. Now just put the fear down and ‘do it’.

Good morning 🙂 

Welcome to Thursday y’all

ps… It’s June 1. Please tell me… what will happen in June? What exactly will you accomplish? Who will you be helping? What will you be helping them to do?


or to participate.