Open The Door

Choose to believe

When you watch a truly great movie or read an amazing novel or take in an A+ show on Broadway, the experience takes you away to a new place. Somehow we just know that we have to suspend our disbelief right at the beginning just long enough to give it a chance to lift us up to this new world.

People always ask me ‘How are you so sure that God is real’. I think even people who ‘think’ they might know Him (or they hope He’s real) haven’t ever really felt that unmistakable feeling of His actual presence. Once you’ve felt it, I promise you’ll be certain.

I guess it might be different for everyone, but I really think it starts by suspending your disbelief just long enough to see Him. He’ll blow your mind once you get a glimpse of Him. But I think you have to choose belief over disbelief for one quick minute first. Pretend He’s completely real - as real as you can believe for one little bit. If you give it your whole heart, He is guaranteed to show up at level 11. But, you gotta go first. idk why.

Once you really see Him it’s over - and then it’s just beginning.


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