It's not just yes or no

Dig deeper

When you ask a question or answer one, it’s way better to dig a level deeper. Don’t dismiss things so quickly. You’ll grow more and win more if you spend an extra minute to consider a bit more. So, it’s not just yes or no. Instead, you should ask how much? (or how little).

Here’s a sample question…

Are you more focused on others or more focused on yourself?

Instead of saying ‘yes I got this’, maybe ask yourself…

  • How much is this true of me (or not)?

  • How much better could I get at this area of my life?

  • How much more could I deliver if I improved here?

  • How much do I care about this specific thing?

Of course, this works for any question. You can use it to pose questions as well

  • How much would you pay for this?

  • Are you more interested in the red one or the blue one?

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how much could you see yourself living here?


or to participate.