Not Creating vs Creating

Stuck or not

Have you hit a wall in your life? The way out is to create something new. Don’t wait for anyone’s permission. Just create.

As soon as you’re not creating anything new in life, you’re stuck. Do you feel stuck? Do you feel like your life is not moving forward the way you’d like?

God made you to create new things within His world. And by you I mean actually ‘you’. He gave us a world of endless possibilities to work with. He created a framework of infinite creative clay for us to mold. He gave us the power to create everything literally by thought alone (mixed with faith & prayer)

But it’s even better than that. You get to do it together with Him - if you choose to do it that way. He’s excited to help but only if you want that. You can do it yourself if you want, but the God way is far better. The GX Factor is a game changer.

Level 11 would be to stop and ask:

  • God, how do you want me to do this?

  • Do you want me to do this at all?

  • Is there a new/better way to think about this?

  • How can this help 1000 other humans (or 1mm)?

Still not sure which way to go next?

Try breaking the box by stepping away like this:

  • Exercise (or even just movement)

  • Gardening

  • Get sunshine

  • Create something small in one day or a weekend (art of any kind)

Then ask again.


or to participate.