Moderate Everything

Even Moderation

Everyone wants to talk about Work/Life balance. Of course, that’s a super important concept but it’s never that simple. Balance is critical but it always comes in waves and seasons. I worry that people are even afraid to go 1000% ever because that seems to extreme or out of ‘balance’. Sometimes I want to just crush something for 20 hours a day for a bit. Other times I want to just do nothing. Your method might be completely different and that’s fine. You get to pick.

I loved this quote “Moderate Everything - Even Moderation”. I guess ‘sometimes’ there is actual balance and moderation. But sometimes it’s time to go super hard in one direction or the other. Crush it when it’s time to crush it. Go ‘off grid’ when it’s time for that. In both modes, don’t hold back even a little bit.


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