Meeting Celeste


In a lifetime of road warrior travel, I’ve never ever lost a bag and I’ve certainly never left a bag behind or just forgotten it! That’s not me. I would never do that. That’s something other people do. Not me.

Dead tired after a crazy long day of travel and no sleep - I left one of my bags at the airport. What a dummy.

God put Celeste in my path on the way home that day. She’s homeless and effectively living at a Starbucks. He asked me to speak with her. I didn’t. It felt like a chore. I was tired. I said ‘NO GOD’. Geez what a thing to say.

Seems like He knew that I’d need another chance. He knew I was tired. He knew I’d say no (the first time). When I got home and realized that I had forgotten my bag 90 minutes away at the airport, I knew right away that I’d have another chance to say Yes to Him and talk to Celeste.

I went back to get my bag yesterday. I DID stop to go find Celeste. The conversation blessed ME in 27 ways that I can’t explain in this short note.

Say Yes to His still small voice today when you hear it. He’s teeing it up FOR you. It’s not work. It’s a blessing (in disguise).

Happy Sunday!


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