Income & Impact

Heart of Service

Sunday Thoughts On Business & Entrepreneurship

Driven entrepreneurs go so fast and so hard all the time. We get addicted to the crack pipe of success and business and winning and victory. It’s just how we are. When we are at our best, we throttle that back a notch or two (or three). When we’re ‘others focused’ like we truly want to be, we know the wins are coming for us and so we figure out who to just help along the way.

It’s Sunday gut check time…

Now, come on. You’re the only one in the room so you can tell the full truth.

Did you win this week?

Wait, did anybody else win?

Who got helped by you this week?

How did you help?

Who did you forget?

What great victories did you achieve this week for yourself?

How many minutes / hours did you spend thinking ‘who can I serve’?


or to participate.