I'm On A Break

Subtracting to add

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that we’re great friends. So many of you have been kind enough to not only read these posts but also to actively encourage me with your wonderful words.

If you don’t already know this, I’ve spent the last year on a deep journey with God, Well, I’ve spent 55 years so far on that journey - but the last year has been like some kind of warp drive thing. It’s because I asked for it.

Until 2023, I was NOT a writer at all. I started writing because God told me to. I started writing because God said ‘write a book’. I said something like ‘God, I’m not a writer. I don’t know how’. He had the wrong guy.

He said ‘I didn’t ask you if you knew how. I said Matt, write a book.’

Writing these daily emails to you has been my way of trying to learn how to write. If God says go you just go. You just figure out ONE step forward and you go. So, I started by writing just a hundred or so words a day. I took one bite of the elephant. I took one baby step forward. I couldn’t see any further than that.

I’ve been learning at your expense how to get my honest thoughts on the digital page consistently. I’ve been asking God to teach me how to write.

By no surprise, God has transformed me again daily in many ways through the process. That’s literally the whole point. Invite Him into your everyday walking around life and He’ll change you into something better along the way. Invite Him into each moment of every day and He’ll transform you even more. Even faster. btw, there is no end.

I’m taking a break from the daily writing here in order to (finally) focus in and finish my book. I’m not saying I won’t write at all - but it might not be every day for a bit. It might not be much at all. idk. Some of you are like ‘Thank God!’ haha

My book is called Dirty Disciple™

I can’t wait for you to read it later this year.

For that to happen in 2023, I have to finish the first draft VERY soon. It’s a LONG way from done but I can see the path pretty clearly now. My focus is going there. Sometimes you have to subtract to add.

I need your prayers to make this happen. Please send them! I know that none of this is possible without you actually, One of the best things God has changed in me of late is the way I value you - all of you - much more.

In the meantime, I’ll share what I can here.

ps… Please check out my podcast if you haven’t already done so. All of that is also an effort to bring this Dirty Disciple to life in a new way. Another creative outlet that brings out what God baked in there somewhere.

Here’s the link to find the Certain Success™ Podcast

If you’ll pray for me in the book journey, hit reply and lemme know.

Happy Sunday!

God bless.

btw, that was 544 words. See the difference since Jan 1?


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