Good, Fast, Cheap

Pick only one

No matter what you do in business (or anything in life) there are always trade-offs that just have to be made. You can’t be all things to all people or you will fail even faster.

If you’ve heard this phrase before at all, you’ve probably heard it like this…

‘You can get it good, fast or cheap - pick two’

We’re explaining here that it’s not really practical for business owners to deliver (or expect) a great product, delivered super fast AND do it crazy cheap too! You could argue that we have actually moved into a world now where people really do expect all three. When you really dig deep as an entrepreneur, it’s really only possible to represent one of the three. Or, more clearly, one of the three will always rise above the other two.

So, what’s your business known for? Good (or great)? Fast? or Cheap?

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