Don't Use Your Sales Voice

Get Real

We’ve all experienced this. A phone call with a salesperson who is overly friendly and enthusiastic and, well, sales-y. You can feel it immediately - especially if you are a career salesman like me on the other end of the line. Instantly, you sense that the goal is only to make your money his or her money as quickly as possible.

The best sales pros don’t do this. It’s always been true, but today it’s even more critical that you not do this if you are rising in your career as a sales professional. We’re happy to speak to you, but we want to speak to the actual you. Don’t sell me. Show me how you can help me to solve my problem. No need to overdo it. Just talk to me, man.

While it makes sense to mirror the speech pattern and tone of the customer, most salespeople can’t pull it off and end up sounding completely fake.

My advice?

Don’t adapt your tone or your accent or your choice of words to each call. Just listen 3x more than you speak. Then speak in your authentic voice and honestly and earnestly try to see if your solution is really truly a fit for the human on the receiving end of your ‘pitch’.

If yes, make an offer. If it’s a no, thank them for their time.


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