Am I delivering Life?

or No?

This is a great reflective question for a Sunday. You could ask this question about every interaction every single day. A good example is to think ‘How am I when I walk into a party'?’

Some people just light up the room when they walk in. Other people, well, not so much.

There are people who I can’t wait to see - and then there are people whom I can definitely wait to see :)

On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you usually find yourself in this?

Part of it is just ‘who we are’ instinctively. But a LOT of it is within our control. So how do we get there? How do we light up the room this next time? How do I become a person that lights up rooms upon entry?

Questions to ask yourself…

  • Am I Delivering Life? Is there more Joy here now or less?

  • Am I focusing on what I can give TO the conversation?

  • What needs to happen for the host to feel loved?

  • Leave the phone in the car. Can you actually do that?

  • Seek out the ‘need’ in the room. There is more than one for sure.

  • Bonus: Ask God, what do you want me to focus on here?

psst… I am writing more about Faith and Jesus here. I’d love for you to subscribe there too. Saddle up. It’s gonna go deeper


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