What If You Completely Fail?

(who cares)

There’s something you really want to do. It’s been on your mind for quite a while now and you haven’t done it and you keep ‘getting busy’ or whatever. You keep not doing it.

If you were completely honest with yourself, it’s fear of failure that’s holding you back. It sort of pisses you off that I just pointed that out.

It’s amazing how we convince ourselves that it’s not fear. We tell ourselves that it’s not a good idea or it’s too expensive or it’s too risky or it’s foolish. That’s so much easier than shining a bright light on the fact that we’re just afraid we might not be able to do it (unless God shows up).

Even if you completely failed, what’s the worst thing that could happen? (psst… the worst-case scenario really isn’t that bad if you really think it through).

And what if you actually succeed? Crazy huh?


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