We are now the digital walking dead

How your life just changed

Do you remember life before you could ‘google it’?

Most of humanity probably missed it completely, but our world - your world - was truly changed 2 months ago in a pretty massive way. It’s as if we woke up one day and stepped onto a new planet where ‘the machines’ took over a huge new space in terms of their effect on our work life and (very quickly) our entire lives in reality. Up until now, this has been just for the super nerds.

I’m talking about automated intelligence and specifically about Chat GPT, which launched just a few short months ago. This is the moment in time where A.I. moved from some geekfest conversation about a possible distant future and crashed into the now for anyone in the business world but potentially for literally any human trying to do anything at all. If you’re not following this, it’s going to blow your mind to find out what this means for how you will do anything. Even if you think ‘that doesn’t matter to me’, it’s literally going to alter every digital thing you experience and every piece of content you consume.

It’s totally worth the time to understand this right now. I recorded this conversation this week with my good friend Chris Tamm who knows more about A.I. than most humans. It’s our attempt to share a bit more with ‘the rest of us’ about exactly where we are with this.


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