30 Day Thinking

Medium Well

I want to share a creative concept with you that keeps brewing inside me. I think this might really be helpful. Let’s call it ‘30 Day Thinking’. The idea here is to intentionally think through even a small (but important) subject every day for 30 days. Journal it. Pray it. Think it. Research it. Bake it out fully. I’m thinking you never really do this because I never do it. Well, now I do.

Here’s where it starts:

  • Quickly capture a thought before you lose it (you have 7 seconds)

  • Write that thought down somewhere (phone/journal/notes app/whatever)

  • Do this a lot so you end up w a long list of seemingly random thoughts

  • Do this long enough & a few of those thoughts will really ring with you.

  • You’ll realize that THIS one idea is really worth more thought.

  • But then we lose it to the busyness of life and it’s gone.

  • Nothing comes of it. Nothing comes of it for you and more importantly, you never share it with the rest of the world.

Now, what if you picked one thought or key idea and intentionally thought further about it every day for 30 days. What if you scheduled calls to talk to other people about it. What if you had coffee with people and mentioned it to them. This has to be intentional or it will fall away fast.

What would you know about it then? Who could you share it with? How might this improve things?

Now it’s a really well-developed thought. You can teach it. You can talk it. Now you own it - and you can give it away.


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