The 3 F Words

TLF Overcomes

All day (everyday) should be and could be completely full of Truth, Love and Freedom. We could live right there all the time if we could only fix these 3 things - and keep fixing them all day. The 3 F words push us back into ‘stuck’ every single time.

  • False beliefs (wrong belief about God, yourself and/or about the world)

  • Fear (this is always always always a big part of the problem)

  • Formula (this is falling back into the old ways vs embracing the new)

So how do we break through?

  • Believe in yourself more (faith)

  • Choose not to allow fear in the door (also faith - which is the opposite of fear)

  • Do NOT fall back to your ‘auto pilot’ way of doing things

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!


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